
The PowerFul BeIngs

Have you met your soul? Are you able to just observe the ego part of you for what it is and not allow it to overrun you? Like a mother observing a child crying out – knowing she can observe and in time, the child will quiet itself?  Are you able to quiet your mind […]

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Navigating Through Worry.

Worry is an inocuous creature. We can do it so often that it becomes a constant underlying theme playing itself out in the background of our lives. As it does, it injects an unhealthy and addictive dosage of negativity into our daily perspective and can be very detrimental over both the short and long run. […]

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Everything happens…

Fear wears many clever disguises. Control, deceit, pride, hate, distrust. But love sees right through it all. Rest in love, knowing that we are born naked and why wait til death to show yourself? If you can make peace with truth, you can avoid an early death suffocated by your own illusions. When you allow patience and compassion […]

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Being Resourceful…

Being Resourceful…

During an exchange with a facebook friend of mine, I was reminded that when we feel out of sorts we need to be resourceful. (Thank you Viktoria!) When you look at the word “resourceful” immediately you think of using what is at hand to create something better. So it might sound a bit confounding or frustratingly vague to hear someone suggest […]

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The Power of Shape-Shifting

Happy New Year! It’s been a minute since I’ve blogged here. I’m happy to be back sharing and bearing my “Soul Food 4 The Soul.” In addition to having authored my book “Soul Food 4 the Soul” (  I am also a Life Coach – a Shape-Shifter – if you will. I shift negativity into […]

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Going Through Changes

I am a life coach. I can help you cross the divide and make those changes you are seeking to make in your life. One step at a time. Together. Email me at

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Just Wait A Minute

Do you have a massive plan of action or did you just apply yourself that one time, looked at the clock and haven’t stopped looking since? That might be the problem!

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Recipe for Change

Usually it is a negative event or a serious of negative events that incite change. In Egypt is was a combination of govt corruption, human rights and economic hardship that prompted change. There came a time when the people thought “this is getting to be enough”. Then the people shouted ” enough is enough” and […]

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Position Open: Loving Yourself

You know your strengths, your weaknesses and your fears better than anyone else does. Once you fall in love with you, you will see the world respond in kind.

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Hey – Do You Have Time to Listen?

Good communication is vital to the longevity of any good relationship. Ideally, one person speaks while the other person (or people)  is listening. That’s usually the basic premise. But desiring successful communication and actually arriving there can be worlds apart. How many times have you feigned listening only to be waiting for a break in […]

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